Middle School Study Hall
After School Care
3:00pm – 6:00pm
After school care (aka Middle School Study Hall) is available daily to all middle school students, 6th – 8th grade.
Students will meet after school in a designated classroom. Any student not picked up in carpool by 3:15 will be escorted to the study hall classroom.
Annual Plan, Pay in Full Rate: $1100
The Annual Plan includes after school care for the entire school year at a discounted rate.
Annual Plan, Monthly Payments: $110/month
(10) Monthly payments will be set up in FACTS Incidental Billing. Payments will be due on the 15th of each month, August-May.
Drop-in Rate: $16 per day
The daily drop-in rate is $16 per day. Weekly invoices will be emailed through FACTS Incidental Billing.